Fact: you are capable of a lot more than you think you are capable of. I was driving around with my husband one weekend looking at plots of land and various properties.In addition, we drove to a few car dealerships and asked for quotes on cars. Whenever I liked something I said, I want that orI’m going to get that. Finally, after two days of hearing me say this so many times, my husband asks: with what money! I smiled and said, “You don’t ever need to worry about that. First, you decide what you want and then the money somehow finds you!” It sounds crazy, I know, but if I limited my heart’s desires based on the funds currently available I’d probably be nowhere right now. I’m sure I’ve written about this before but the first time I ever wanted something crazy, I wanted to go to The University of Cambridge. I told my friends what I wanted and only after I got in and got a scholarship to attend did some admit that they thought I was insane for wanting to go to this Cambridge place that many thought was unreachable. When I had this desire I didn’t know where the money would come from, all I knew is that I had certain things in my control: hard work, achieving the best grades I could, getting the teachers to like me and back my application and if it came to it, begging whoever would listen for help and advice. I almost never thought of the money issue because that would have discouraged me and it was 100% out of my control. I focused exclusively on what was right in front me – the next A grade. In the end, I went to Cambridge. Since then there have been many triumphs and of course, a few failures or life lessons, as I like to call them. My latest fantasy moment occurred after I quit my job and realized I didn’t want a service business coaching people on how to get into investment banking after all;what I wanted was a product business. Problem: I needed £80k to £100k($130k to 160k) to get it off the ground. Eek! Now, I could have written a business plan and tried to get investors to be honest, very few people (even friends and family) are willing to fund a business in a genre that they think is overcrowded like the hair industry – and pretty much every industry outside of technology. I had two solutions: Solution 1:start off small, sell things that will keep me earning and enjoying a lifestyle based on working from home. I did that and incurred some mocking but I didn’t care because my small business was earning enough to keep the bills paid. Okay, if we are being fully honest, I did get a little upset at some of the mockery. I’ll still never forget someone “laughing at me” me for selling wide-tooth combs on instagram – they made some comment about how desperate it was to be selling combs to earn a buck…whatevs, don’t worry hun bun, haters are always going to hate, just focus on your goals and yourdreams. Solution 2:just focus ononestep at a time and hope that I’ll save enough by the time I was ready to hire a manufacturer. So…I hired a formulating company. Do you know how silly I felt walking into a meeting I’d arranged at an established factory as the 30-year-old CEO of Neno Natural to an audience of 3 people ALL over the age of 50 with a long career in formulating and producing beauty products? Very! To boost my confidence I was dressed well and I looked good in my makeup. I came out shining. They thought I was smart and they said the business I was proposing excited them above and beyond many other clients they were doing things for. Over the course of 12 months I paid for the formulation and as we approached the 15th month enough money appeared to enable an order. Some of my earlier investments paid off and I was able to pursue the dream. That’s life. If you set your mind on something, you will get it, I promise you. That stuff they tell you about self-belief making things happen? It isn’t just “stuff”, it’s for real! Anyhow, I’d love to carry on this discussion with you and help you realise your dreams, if you want to start a product business sign up to The Money Spot program. You can join for as little as £49.99/month or come to my upcoming workshop on How To Build A 6-Figure Product Business. Want to Build a 6-Figure Beauty Business from the comfort of your sofa? Then my course is designed for YOU! "Beauty" includes a WIDE range of products from the not so obvious non-perishable foods and crafts to the more obvious hair, makeup, fashion, health & fitness.
1 Comment
19/9/2019 01:52:23 pm
A voyage of hundred miles begins with a single step. But the sad reality for many individuals is that they are crippled by the pressure of curbing postulations they develop through their lives, that they don’t have the confidence to take the first step. The stream of negativity is unending. However, staying good at believing the positive stuff would make you unstoppable. A limiting belief system is one of the cruelest human characteristics. So, to trust your ability, you need to eliminate your limiting belief pattern.
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Heather on WealthI enjoy helping people think through their personal finances and blog about that here. Join my personal finance community at The Money Spot™. Categories
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