Fifi asks about how best to manage her money when her income from month to month fluctuates a lot with some months bringing in just enough for her to get by. She also wonders how best to manage her credit score and to boost her monthly income.
I give a broad answer covering:
Heather p.s. subscribe to my podcast and ask me any money question, HERE - do it now!
Hey Heather, my name's Jennifer, I want to start a side hustle but I don't know where to start or how to organise myself. No one that I know has a side hustle; they just do the 9 to 5 then chill...are side hustles just not a British thing? Please help me with some tips, I need some direction...thank you!
I stumbled upon Sylwia when I read her post on The growing trend of side hustles in the UK - this was written before the covid-19 pandemic and seems to be very topical right now as people think about ways to diversify their income.
The most shocking thing about my intial catch-up with Sylwia was that she knew recognised my name because she read my book To Become An Investment Banker which i wrote in 2012. I was shocked and please in equal measure. I learnt a lot in our discussion in which we covered, among other things:
Sylwia Kotarba-Harris Accounts and Legal 0207 043 4000 [email protected] Heather p.s. subscribe to my podcast and ask me any money question, HERE - do it now! |
Heather on WealthI enjoy helping people think through their personal finances and blog about that here. Join my personal finance community at The Money Spot™. Categories
September 2023