When it comes to education more is always better, right? Wrong. It’s not always the case. Over the last year I have met a couple of people who like investing in coaching and entrepreneurship programmes but they simply do way too many of them. Coaching and training definitely helps with the acquisition of knowledge but that knowledge is totally useless if you don’t do anything with it. One person I met had spent about £20,000 ($30,000) on various programmes within one year but hadn’t put anything into action. I thought that was a big waste of time and money. I kept trying to emphasize to her that she needs to start implementing what she’s learnt because that is the only way she would see results. I hope I got through to her but I dare say even when we were talking she seemed to be considering what programme she would do next. INFORMATION OVERWHELM The problem with taking part in too many programs is that you receive so much information that you have no idea where to start with implementing it. It overwhelms and confuses you. You’ll end up writing lists and lists of what you need to work on but ultimately if you have too much information, you do nothing. You just move on to the next course with the hope that it helps to bring clarity to your confusion. LAGS BETWEEN LEARNING AND DOING If you leave a long gap between learning something and incorporating it into your business then you forget about it. You never get round to implementing it. If you’ve paid for a simple program then this is not an issue but the more expensive programmes usually pack in a lot of homework and you have to do all of it to get the maximum benefit. Don’t wait a long time to start working with something that you’ve learnt. If you can’t implement it, find someone who has the time and capacity to do it for you. THE RIGHT WAY TO INVEST IN TRAINING: REVISE WORK ALREADY DONE There are a variety of “right” ways to get the most from training. If you’ve paid to learn something then you have to implement it otherwise you’re just pouring money down the drain. If you’ve invested in a quality programme, implement what you’re learning as you go along. Then, before moving on to a new programme, go over the material one more time to make sure you’ve got everything before investing in something new. The first time you go through training you will inevitably only implement the easiest or base-level concepts into your business. The second time you go through the material, there will be more you can implement or that you didn’t consider the first time round. Sometimes success or a boost in earnings isn’t the result of making a huge sweeping change, the correct, small tweak can lead to massive returns. Yes, as someone who has a program on How To Build A 6-Figure Product Business I should be saying so loads of coaching, pack in as much knowledge as possible but I’d be lying if I did that. Implementation of existing knowledge can be more important that acquiring now knowledge… Want to Build a 6-Figure Beauty Business from the comfort of your sofa? Then my course is designed for YOU! "Beauty" includes a WIDE range of products from the not so obvious non-perishable foods and crafts to the more obvious hair, makeup, fashion, health & fitness.
I listened to a lot of Grant Cardone in 2014. In Sell or Be Sold he has this one little section where he talks about how he works 14 hours a day on his best days and does more in 2.5 days than most people do the whole week. Grant then goes on to say that come Sunday, having done nothing all week some people still feel entitled to rest because “The Good Book” says they should rest. As far as Grant is concerned and I would tend to agree that logic is completely flawed. He thinks God rested on the 7th day because he’d built the whole entire world in 6 days and as such deserved a rest. You haven’t done anything solid all week and still you think you need a rest? What? Why? Indeed, every religion has it’s own day of rest whether it be Friday, Saturday or Sunday and a lot of people use it as a justification for not working. If you’ve been as productive as you want to be the rest of the week, why not? However, the fact is most haven’t. I personally think rest has to be well earned and if you’re going to make it in this life there will be months when you cannot take a single day fully off. Even when I was pregnant and exhausted I was working like a donkey most days until the 37th week when I cut back to about 2 to 4 hours per day. As a student in both high school and university I used to go to chapel every Sunday but that didn’t mean I didn’t do any work. I just did my work around chapel and ensured that I didn’t laze around the rest of the week. Chapel was actually one of my favourite times of the week because it was a very social experience. I was friends with many people at chapel and usually spent an hour afterwards hanging out. After I was done enjoying myself I went back to hit the books. If you feel like you’re underachieving relative to where you should be and you also take a day off every week for religious reasons I would have a critical think about that. I’m not going to tell you what you should do all I will say is that you are the mistress of your own fate and small things like allowing yourself to work on the day you have been taught to believe is “a day of rest” can make a massive difference in your output. God doesn’t care when you work. If God was so against me working on Sundays then why did he let me go from academic success to academic success? From a struggling 11 year-old how is it that by the time I was 17 He gave me all the resources to get into Cambridge and then ultimately to graduate with a first class degree? Ultimately, you could be saying I am not working on Sunday or Saturday or Friday for religious reasons when the truth is, you’re not working on that day because you don’t want to and feel a religious reason is a good justification for your laziness. ‘Nuff said. Want to Build a 6-Figure Beauty Business from the comfort of your sofa? Then my course is designed for YOU! "Beauty" includes a WIDE range of products from the not so obvious non-perishable foods and crafts to the more obvious hair, makeup, fashion, health & fitness. |
Heather on WealthI enjoy helping people think through their personal finances and blog about that here. Join my personal finance community at The Money Spot™. Categories
September 2023