How To Build A 6-Figure Business (The Money Spot Program) – New York Workshop, August 201419/8/2014 I held my first ever The Money Spot Program on How To Build A 6-Figure Business in New York City on 16/17 August 2014. This was the face-to-face part of the program. All the entrepreneurs who attended also have 12-month support and full access to the online component ( So this is just the beginning for them! I must admit, I was a little nervous prior to the day because I wasn’t 100% sure what the reception would be like given I’m not actually American. Looking back now my fears sound silly, but I was worried about things like "Are they going to hate my accent?" etc! As it turned out, my fears were completely unfounded. All the entrepreneurs who attended were not only open-minded, they were also an awesome group of people. We all got on like a house on fire and they told me how they thought the course content was definitely worth the investment they had made. In fact, every attendee that came was from outside New York State! I was so impressed how they had committed thoroughly to me and the Program by spending the time to come, the travel and transport costs, accommodation etc. to attend the course. I was very humbled. At the end of day 1 I reminded them of my 100% money-back guarantee to anyone who wanted to opt-out if they thought the Program wasn't for them. But no-one did and I was happy to welcome everyone back on day 2. Fabulous, because day 2 was just as packed with information, if not moreso that day 1! Some of the positive feedback included:
The next dates and locations are:
Click the link below for details on how to take part in the program.
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By Heather